My Milkshake Brings All the Boys to the Yard...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Balancing your Treats is the Trick

For those who are dieting or striving to maintain their weight loss, today really can be one of the SCARIEST days of the year...especially when you have kids who'll be bringing home massive bags of fat & sugar loaded goodies.  What's a candy loving person to do?  There really is no easy solution.  Each year, you will be presented with literally dozens of holidays and birthdays where you'll be presented with dozens of unhealthy food options.  And, like me, you'll likely have loved ones around you urging you to "go ahead and indulge! It's _________ (fill in the blank with Thanksgiving, Halloween, so and so's birthday or whatever special event/day you're together celebrating)."    The key, my friends, is balance...whether it be politely saying no because you're already full from eating beforehand or just having a little bit of what you're craving.

These days I'm quite strictly following a nutrition plan that calls for between 1700 and 2000 calories (though, truth be told, I'm generally eating 1500-1600 calories because each of my 5 mini meals are usually composed of about 300-350 calories and I'm still feeling full and not bonking during workouts) that's composed of 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates (the kind you find in fruits, veggies and whole grain breads) and 20% fat.  My diet has been clean and I've been resisting all kinds of processed food temptations around me.  

This past weekend, I baked a batch of dark chocolate brownies for my stepdaughter and a friend for their sleepover.  Brownies are one of my favorite things to eat so it was very hard to whip up the batter and smell them baking in the oven.  The old 240 pound me could have eaten the entire batch without blinking!  The new me just wanted to hide them in a closet.  I fixed my husband a slice and he asked me if I wanted a bite. I immediately said "No!!!" as if he was offering me a plate of glass.  He gently reminded me that a bite of a brownie wasn't going to make me fat or "bad" so after a moment of hesitation I took a bite...and savored it- not with guilt, but with pleasure.  

The key as to most things in life is balance- which has been a very difficult thing for me to realize and appreciate as an "all or nothing" kind of gal.  You can't keep it up at all or nothing for the long-term because either you'd likely wind up very overweight at the nothing end of the game or feeling very anxious and deprived at the all-in stage of the game.   If you do allow yourself that delicious bit of indulgence, don't let guilt overwhelm you or think of it as "well, I've had one piece of candy, I might as well have another." With that type of attitude, you'll wind up surrounded by empty wrappers AND a whopping sense of guilt. 

So if you're sitting there eyeing a miniature size Twix or whatever piece of Halloween candy that is calling your name, don't be afraid to eat it.  Do so slowly and savor the flavor.  Enjoy the indulgence without thinking of it as a one way ticket to Fatville or an excuse to simply keep eating several more of them.  Savor it and move on to enjoying all the other wonderful things associated with this annual celebration of fear & candy- the smiles on children's faces as they show off their costumes, the smell of crisp leaves in the air, the overwhelming sense of community as you make your way to neighbor's houses.  Recognize that these foodcentric holidays are about much more than the food - they're most often about love, family and friends. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

In the Midst of Insanity

28 Days of Insanity are done and in the books and I am thrilled with my results at the midpoint. I am fitting in the smallest size jeans that I have ever fit into in my life (yes, my life- I wasn't even a Size 6 in high school!).  Since pictures tend to speak louder than words, I'm posting my start pics side-by-side with pics taken yesterday.   I have another side-by-side with the rear view but I didn't post's embarrassing enough having total strangers see me in a sports bra and compression shorts. I just couldn't bear the thought of people staring at my butt.  

    Day 1:                                    Day 28:

      Day 1:                                                      Day 28:

      Day 1:                                                       Day 28:

Midway through the program, I've lost nearly 10 lbs and a little over 10 inches all by eating wisely, drinking a Shakeology as one of my 5 mini-meals per day and working out between 40-60 minutes 6 days a week.  So, no I am most definitely not starving myself or spending several hours a day to get great results.  I'm most pleased with the fact I've lost 3 inches from my waist!  I'm excited to see what the next month holds for me.

If you're inspired by these results, click here to join my November Challenge!  Start writing your own success story.  8-)         

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Know Excuses Part III: I'm too Old/Fat/Weak

Moving on to Part III of my Know Excuses is the ever popular catch-all "I'm too..." excuse. As in "I'm too old to start a fitness program" or "I'm too fat to work out" or "I'm too weak." Let me hereby clear you of such nonsense.

Too old to start taking care of yourself and making your health a priority? Did you hear about the 71 year old woman who set the Guinness Book of World Record for holding plank position? Or how about the 100 year old man who recently ran a full marathon- and who hadn't even started running until the age of 89. 89! Why bother, you figure? The answer to that question is all around you- it's in the mirror as you face your reflection, the faces of those you love and who love you. You could not only add years to your life, but also quality to those years. So, why not?

Too fat or too weak to start? I hear you and I felt EXACTLY the same way years ago. My path to transformation came not from an urge to even make a transformation (at 240 pounds and in my early 30s, any sort of transformation seemed ridiculously out-of-reach and, therefore pointless), but rather to help my sister out in her quest to stick to Atkins. I was one of those who would have simply thrown up my hands and said, "what's the point?" One of my greatest regrets during my year-long Atkins experiment was that I didn't start up a fitness regimen while I was dieting. I could have been gaining muscle while I was losing weight. I would have gotten stronger as I was getting smaller. Now that I've learned how wonderful it is to be able to run and play with my kids, how beautiful muscle looks, how awesome it is to be able to discover just how much my body is capable of doing, I wish I could go back in time and shake some sense into myself and started on the path to health sooner! All those years spent huffing and puffing on stairs, all the times I said I was too tired when my then toddler son Spencer (now almost a teenager!) wanted me to play with him or take him to the makes me very sad to think back to those times.

One of the motivational pictures I've recently come across pretty powerfully stuck with me, inspiring these "Know Excuses" pieces. It was a clearly obese woman in workout gear, lying on her back on the floor looking utterly spent with the words "You don't have to be great to start but you have to start to be great." I wish I had the good sense to realize that back when I was obese...that I had been that woman lying on the floor after pushing my limits- then slowly becoming amazed at just how limitless my body's potential was rather than waiting until I was smaller to even try to push those limits.

Before throwing your hands up in the air and saying "I'm too old/too fat/too weak/too whatever" to work out, check with your doctor. Chances are you're not too old, too fat or too weak to start out. And that's my last dose of tough love- unless of course you've got another excuse floating around. If so, post in the comments and I'll do a piece debunking it for you.

Are you ready to take the Beachbody Challenge?

Beginning November 1st, every month I will be hosting a challenge for people to help reach their fitness goals!

Each month's challenge group will consist of just 5 people and each will commit to their fitness goals, health goals, diet, and stay accountable to one another. We will all be in this together and what is so cool about these challenges I will be hosting starting in November is that each Challenge Member will all be doing the SAME THING. You'll be doing the same workout program, drinking Shakeology, tracking progress, staying connected in our private Facebook group, etc. So if you are thinking “Well, I don’t have Shakeology” well then YES what I am saying is you will have to commit to getting on Shakeology and drinking it 1x per day. This will be a commitment for the 5 people I take in and I want all to be 100% committed! I plan on giving 110% of myself to YOU to help you reach success and I want you to do the same!

By joining my challenge you will automatically get 1 month FREE of Beachbody Club membership. This is a great tool to have for all of us because we will all be starting at a different point in our fitness so with the club membership you will get a customizable meal planner that will make reaching your goals even EASIER. Oh and btw another HUGE BONUS is you get 10% off all your Beachbody products this way too by being a Club Member and going into daily drawings when you track your workouts to win CASH just for working out :)

Before I recap the exact details I want you to ask yourself these questions…

1. Do you want to get healthy?

2. Do you want to fit in your skinny jeans?

3. Do you want to look in the mirror and feel GOOD about what you see?

4. Do you want to have energy?

5. Do you want to add years onto your life ?

6. Do you want to set a good example for your children?

7. Do you want to have a more positive attitude?

8. Do you want to build relationships with others going through the same things?

9. Do you want to have more confidence?

10. Do you want to get your life on track and start a new healthy lifestyle?

I think we all want those things and THIS challenge is the answer to help you achieve those goals. It takes 21 days to create a habit and with this you will have others looking to see if you did your workout and hearing from YOU that day so that accountability will keep you on track!

So, are you game? Before I break it down for you FIRST you need click here to sign up for a FREE account with me so I am your official Beachbody Coach. Whoop Whoop!!

Now, let me break it down for you…..

Coach Petrina’s Beachbody Challenge:

1. DECIDE & COMMIT to joining my Beachbody Challenge
2. Choose the workout program you would like to do
3. Choose Chocolate or Greenberry Shakeology
4. Receive CHALLENGE CONFIRMATION email from me with tips on how to track progress, how to measure, fitness tips, goal setting, how to schedule workouts, how to join our PRIVATE facebook challenge group etc...
5. Succeed!

CONTACT ME ASAP if you are interested or have any questions … remember I’m only taking the first 5 people for each month's challenge!

Email Me:
Or on Facebook:

Challenge Pack’s available to order from my website on November 1st.

Are you excited yet? I know I am!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

November Beachbody Challenge

I am soooo excited about a Beachbody Challenge coming up - a great deal for anyone interested in starting a Beachbody program! I will be looking for FIVE people - only five for this Challenge so I can devote lots of one-on-one coaching attention. Packs will come with a fitness program, Shakeology and a month's free trial of Beachbody Club Membership (complete with Meal Plans!). This is a great way to jump start your fitness before the New Year. I've selected 4 programs as potential Challenge options that are great for those just getting started on a program. Check out the vids below and leave a comment on which one you would choose!





For those who are intermediate & advanced, Challenge Packs featuring P90X, TurboFire or Insanity will also be available!

Contact me at if you're interested or just PM me on Facebook!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Les Mills Bodypump coming to DVD!

Les Mills BodyPump classo JUST announced late last week-  the awesome fitness class that is offered at TONS of gyms all over the place, BodyPump by Les Mills will be coming to YOUR home as a workout program! Les Mills is teaming up with Beachbody and they are creating this format in a at home workout program so the days you are unable to hit up the gym you don't have to miss your favorite class.

A lot of people refer to this class as PUMP, it's one of the fastest ways to get in shape and students that take this class fall in love and even get addicted to this! The workout  challenges all of your major muscle groups by using the best weight-room exercises such as squats, presses, lifts and curls and the KEY to this is something called  "THE REP EFFECT" (a breakthrough in fitness training focusing on high repetition movements with low weight loads.) So for those of you who have done ChaLEAN Extreme by Chalene Johnson ... this is like the opposite yet VERY affective concept.   Email me at to learn how to become a Beachbody Coach and you can represent this workout and also save 25% on all the products while earning commissions and bonuses.

Les Mills Bodypump

Check out below what a normal class is like with Les Mills BodyPump format!

BODYPUMP Calorie Information

This will be coming soon in 2012 to Beachbody and available at 25% off to all Team Beachbody Coaches (also if you join as a coach you earn 25% on all retail sales.. email me at if you're interested in learning more about coaching!)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Know Excuses Part II: Money

Continuing my Know Excuses series, we are moving on to another popular excuse..."I don't have the money to join a gym" or "I don't have the money to get a treadmill/elliptical/stationary bike/exercise equipment" needed to workout.  To both of these,  I call BS yet again and am armed and ready to deliver another small dose of tough love.

Oh, she doesn't know what she's talking about, you're thinking. She doesn't know the true sad & sorry state of my finances.  True, I don't have access to your bank statements, wallet or pocketbook. But it's a pretty safe bet you have your own body weight (and body weight can be the very best resistance tool you can use- hence the power of push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, tricep dips, planks, burpees, mountain climbers and a variety of other exercises in which no equipment is required other than your very own bod).  And it's a pretty safe bet, there's a sidewalk near you...or maybe even a lovely trail that you can use to walk, jog, run at full speed, bike or merrily skip down.

If you evaluate your spending, you may very well find room in your budget for a gym membership, personal training, equipment or whatever else you feel you need in order to get moving by cutting out unnecessary spending (i.e. fast food or restaurant meals etc.). In so doing, you'll likely be eating healthier as well- double score!

For the exercise options that do cost $$, there are many affordable options out there for the taking. If you're the type who feels they truly need a gym to get a routine going, there are some fairly inexpensive options out there.  Call around your nearby gyms and see what deals they're offering right now and you may be able to find an affordable, no-frills option near you.  If you find a workout program that intrigues which requires certain exercise equipment, check out to see if you can find used dumbbells, resistance bands, kettlebells, whatever you're looking for.  If you love to work out on an elliptical, treadmill or stationary bike, you may also be able to find a good deal on or your local classifieds as, unfortunately, many of these pieces of equipment wind up being used more as a clothes hanger than a piece of exercise equipment. Heck, you may even know someone who has one that's been collecting cobwebs and dust. Ask around!

If you're just starting out and feel really unsure about proper form when it comes to strength training, as well as what type of cardio you should do and for how long, you may be able to find group personal training programs at different gyms.  These programs are usually a lot more reasonable than the cost of one-on-one personal training.  Again, call around and ask.  Talk to friends, neighbors, your family about their own personal recommendations on local gyms and personal trainers as well.

Finally, check into the wide variety of workout programs available on DVD that you can do in your home.  Again, ask the folks around you for their recommendations. Read online reviews. Go ahead and check out the Beachbody store on my site at for complete Beachbody programs. You can email me at with any questions about programs or simply PM me on Facebook.

Speaking of Beachbody programs, Slim in 6 is a great 6 week program that comes complete with a Step-by Step Nutrition Guide and a resistance band for only $59.85.  It's an affordable option that's perfect for starting an exercise program.

Chances are this six week program would cost less than you would spend on six weeks worth of a gym membership and the gas you'd spend driving to and from the gym. And, you'd get online support not only from me, your Coach, but also a whole network of peers online at

Don't let money be yet another excuse holding you back from getting in shape. Find free or low cost options and start a program now!

Friday, October 14, 2011

FREE Team Beachbody Coach business opportunity for active military families

I wanted to spread the word that Beachbody offers  FREE Coach programs for U.S. active duty Military. 

This is a great way for our Military personnel to start a Beachbody Coach business and/or receive a 25% discount on Beachbody products at no cost.   If you are active Military and  enroll as a Team Beachbody Coach, the cost of your business starter kit ($39.95) and your monthly business fees ($14.95) are waived (FREE) for the duration of your active duty orders. 

 This offer is also extended to your spouse. Your spouse may enroll as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach to take advantage of this waiver of standard fees if you, the active Military member, do not want to.

Watch the following video to learn what Coaching is about...

A paper application, along with a copy of your active duty orders or any suitable verification of  your status, such as a copy of your military ID or your BIR is required and can be sent to Coach Relations at Beachbody either via fax or email.

If you are interested in learning more about this program or would like the application emailed to you, contact me at 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Know Excuses Part I: Time

You think I made a typo with that title, don't you?  Oh, she means NO EXCUSES, right?  She must have been in a mad rush and typed it wrong.  Nope- I meant what I typed and that is to KNOW your excuses and recognize them for what they are...excuses.  Most people fall victim to the scourge of invalid excuses.  There are a few valid reasons to skip a workout, prevent you from starting a workout program or from eating sensibly.  Death, paralysis, a terminal illness- and I'd even argue the point on the latter two as it doesn't prevent many folks who are paralyzed or facing terminal illness from being active and working up a sweat.

The most popular excuse is time, or more accurately the lack thereof. I don't have time to workout.  I don't have time to prepare meals.  I don't have time to journal what I eat.  To that I say it is time for a reality check...

Look, I get that time is valuable.  I understand that most folks are working eight, ten, maybe even twelve hour days.  Even though I'm a stay-at-home Mom, I spend a good chunk of my time shuttling my children around - to and from school, activities, playdates, keeping the house in the best order I can, making sure we have groceries & household items on hand when we need them, fixing meals and basically wearing over a dozen job "hats" in my daily life...chauffeur, personal assistant/shopper/chef to 5 people, janitor, nurse etc.

Take a good long look at your calendar.  Actually, do better than that.  Have a pad on hand with you at all times throughout one given day and journal your activities throughout the day.  Chronicle how you are spending the sixteen or so waking hours in your day.   See how many minutes you spend surfing the net or watching television- anything other than getting yourself dressed, commuting to work, actually working and all the other essential uses of your time.   I'm willing to bet you can find at least 30 free minutes you can devote to exercising- even more if you're willing to split up the time throughout the day.

For the legitimately time-crunched who find they can't squeeze in more than 10 minute segments of exercise at a time, there are still ways you can get a workout in.  Click here for a 25 Fast and Easy Ways to Fit in 10 Minutes of Exercise Per Day courtesy of Prevention Magazine.  Beachbody also has a great 10 Minute Trainer program that targets every major muscle group in just ten minutes.

Once you determine you do in fact have the time to workout, schedule it!  I use Google Calendar to keep tabs on our kids' busy schedules and I also use it to schedule my workouts.  Make your designated workout time non-negotiable. Think of it as a very important appointment and treat it as such.  

As far as the time needed for preparing healthy meals, it's not that difficult or time-consuming to do either.  If you must, plan out your meals in advance over the weekend and prep everything on Sunday (or whichever day you happen to have off).  I'd argue that you'd spend more time waiting in the drive-thru lane at fast food restaurants each weekday or driving to & waiting for your meals at a sit-down restaurant than you would have if you had simply prepped your meals at home.   You can find a great list of quick, healthy meal cookbooks here or just find recipes that appeal most to your tastebuds by surfing the net.  There are a number of foodies out there who have devoted a great deal of time and energy into crafting healthy recipes for common comfort foods and, thankfully, they usually love to share their recipes!

Know your excuses so you can defeat them with logic (and maybe a little sheer force of will). So take that excuse of "I don't have enough time" and kick it to the curb where it belongs once and for all.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Perception vs. Reality

While filming my weight loss story for YouTube recently, memories of my yearlong Atkins Induction diet came flooding back- along with memories of the month I reached my ultimate weight loss goal over six years ago.  I remembered two conversations I had, in particular, in the month or so after hitting goal. Oddly enough, they took place not a week apart.  One was with someone very close to me, another with a former colleague who had not seen me at all in the period I was losing the weight.

The person close to me said something along the lines of "you were much more fun before the weight loss" and the former colleague said something to the effect of "you seem much more lighthearted and easygoing now!"  Pretty disparate points of view, correct? So who was right and who was wrong?   Was I more fun when I was obese?  Or was I more heavy-hearted and demanding?  I don't believe I was either. Don't get me wrong. I certainly do have my not-so-fun, heavy-hearted and demanding moments (though I hope they are few and far between).

I'm still the same fun, light-hearted and easygoing person I was six years ago and beyond- only I weigh less.  My personality didn't change along with my weight. Rather, it was certain others' perceptions of me.  It's an unfortunate truth that people are largely judged by their appearance. It is just surprising when those type of judgments are made by those who you are close to- especially when they are those whom you believe see you for who you truly are.  It was a troubling eye opener for me in the days and months I was becoming accustomed to my shrinking size. The fact that I could no longer shop at Lane Bryant was both a blessed relief and a source of sadness as well.  Change, no matter how extraordinarily positive, is something that can be just as extraordinarily difficult to adjust to- not only for the one who's changed but also for those close to them.

I wasn't any less fun in the literal sense.  I still will break out with some impromptu disco noises and sometimes even a robot dance in the middle of a shopping aisle while with my kids- much to their combined delight & embarrassment, I'm sure.  I suspect the changes in my eating habits and exercise level maybe led to the sudden "not as fun" label that one person placed on me and that the change in my size is what led to another now characterizing me as "more lighthearted and easygoing."  Speculating on this, however, will lead to nowhere.  The growth lies in recognizing the difference between their perceptions of me and my reality- and owning it. I am who I am and that is all there is to it.  Same goes for you now - whether you're fat, thin, tall, short, small-chested, busty or what have you.  You are who you are. Own you. See you. Know you.  Don't let other people's perceptions of you change your reality.

And by the same token, don't let your own negative perceptions of yourself prevent you from achieving your ideal reality.   We tend to be our own worst critic or let our fear of failure keep us from not only achieving our goals, but even naming them.  "I can't do that" is the absolute worst thing we can tell ourselves because 9 times out of 10, we can.  If you had pulled me aside seven years ago and told me, "you will lose ninety pounds, start to run and even run a full marathon, be able to do man-style push-ups, lift heavy weights with ease and have a natural childbirth," I would have told you, "I can't do any of those things! I'm too [insert appropriate adjective here- fat, weak etc.]"  Each one of them would have seemed far beyond the realm of possibility.  The only way they would have been actually impossible would be if I hadn't tried to achieve each of these things.

Name your goal(s). Write them down.  Share them with those closest to you.  Enlist their support.  Make a plan of action to help you reach them.  Step away from the funhouse mirror that tells you you're too fat, stupid, weak or whatever negative image it's hurling at you and start your journey to the place in your life you want to be.