Terrible, I know, for someone who is so passionate about health & fitness, to feel so utterly resentful of others who were just trying to improve their own health & fitness. But have I mentioned how much I hate crowded spaces? And how much time I’d have to spend waiting around for someone to get off a piece of cardio equipment so I could get my sweat on or how sad I’d become when I’d realize there was absolutely no space left in one of my favorite group classes? I believe a great deal of my resentment for these gym newbies was that I knew their presence was only temporary. They weren’t truly making a lifestyle change.
The sudden increase of gym memberships each year in January stems from the fact that 65% of those making their New Year’s Resolutions include weight loss on their list. That’s a lot of New Year’s Resolutionaries! The sad fact is the majority of these folks are bound to failure. Why is it that most who resolve to lose weight and/or become more fit in the New Year ultimately fail? Chances are, they’ve made one or more of the following mistakes:
1. They’ve made their Resolution under pressure from others or in the hopes of making someone else happy. True resolve and true grit can only be found from within- and you’ll need both to successfully lose weight and maintain it (believe me, I know from experience).
2. They make a list of several different resolutions. Trying to focus on several different goals means you’ll likely shortchange yourself on one or all of them. If weight-loss is your primary goal, FOCUS your efforts on this ONE resolution.
3. They set unrealistic and/or vague goals. Vowing to lose 10 pounds in a week is an unrealistic goal. Yes, they’ve done it on Biggest Loser but real life is not like the Biggest Loser campus. Just saying your goal is to “lose weight” is not going to cut it- this is not a specific goal. An example of a realistic & specific goal would be “I’m going to lose 10 pounds in 90 days.” Realistic weight loss goals would typically be 1-2 pounds per week.
4. They’ve made broad, sweeping changes to their daily life from Day 1 in the New year. They revamp their entire kitchens and fill their calendar with daily exhausting workouts when before their diet consisted mainly of processed foods and they led a sedentary lifestyle. When you make HUGE, sudden changes in your life, you are less likely to stick with these changes. Small steps eventually lead to big, lasting changes. Whereas giant steps often lead to nowhere as those taking them will likely feel overwhelmed and will then wave the white flag of surrender.
5. They go it alone. Having an accountability buddy, someone that you can report to and support you in your endeavors, is CRUCIAL. This person can be someone you live with or even someone miles and miles away (as is often the case with my Challenge Group members).
6. They don’t have a concrete plan of action in place to help them achieve their goals. Simply planning on eating better or starting to exercise? Plan out exactly how you’re going to do these things. Get a meal plan together, buy the groceries you need, create a workout calendar. One of the biggest frustrations for me in seeing gym newbies each January was watching them aimlessly walking around the gym- I could tell they didn’t really have a plan of what to do when they arrived, nor, in some cases, did they even know how to use the machines. One of the things I love the most about Beachbody programs is that they give you both tools – you get a sound nutrition plan with suggested meals AND a set workout calendar.
My New Year’s wish for all of you out there seeking to improve their fitness is that you not suffer the same fate as the majority of those Resolutionaries filling up gyms or charging up exercise equipment each January. If you join a gym, I don’t want you disappearing from that gym after a few weeks or a month or two. If you invest in exercise equipment, I don’t want that treadmill to wind up as a place you throw clothing on towels on or something that collects dust in your closet or you try to sell on E-Bay or Craigslist. If you buy a pricey pair of sneakers intending to run every few days, I don't want those sneakers just sitting on your bedroom floor.
Whether you choose to achieve your goals by working out at home or in a gym, by using a sidewalk or push-up bar or whichever way you choose with whichever tools you choose, I want you to approach this battle as a REVOLUTIONARY, not a Resolutionary. I want these changes you make in your life to be far-reaching- to last far beyond February and March. I want you to change your life, improve your health, lower your cholesterol, allow you to be active with your kids and grandkids.
If you need help in setting your goals or just someone to cheer you on, gently encourage or nag you, I’m here! Email me at coachpetrina@yahoo.com, buddy me on Team Beachbody or give me a shout on Facebook.
As for me, I’m happy to say I won’t be suffering the same frustrations of years past as we hit 2012. I will be happily tackling Les Mills PUMP program in the comfort of my living room. I won’t need to fight for space or equipment, but I may need to pause for occasional hugs and high-fives from our three year old. Now that I can deal with!
Here’s to a happy and healthy 2012 to all of you!
Coach P